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eRENEWAL - PARK ROYAL RC joined the state programme and signed the first agreement

Зовнішній вигляд житлового комплексу Park Royal з рекламою участі в програмі єВідновлення. На передньому плані люди відпочивають, сидячи та катаючись на велосипедах серед квітучих дерев і зеленої зони.

PARK ROYAL has joined the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine (Ministry of Infrastructure) and construction customers and became a participant in the state programme eRENEWAL.

As a result, Ukrainians who lost their homes as a result of Russian aggression receive compensation for the purchase of new housing in the form of a housing certificate, which can be exchanged for new housing.

A family from Irpin was the first to take advantage of the Renovation programme at PARK ROYAL, as their home was severely damaged during the occupation and could not be rebuilt.

The couple decided to start a new life in Bucha. The family chose PARK ROYAL for a reason: compensation amount covered the cost of an apartment in PARK ROYAL; the complex is located near their former home, where everything is familiar; the scale of construction is impressive in its area, architecture and modern technologies; reliability of the developer, who has built more than one residential complex in the capital (British Quarter, New England).

An equally significant advantage for the family was the availability of a civil protection shelter in accordance with the new state building codes of Ukraine, as well as developed infrastructure and various options for leisure and recreation.

"The state programme eRENEWAL is a critical social programme, and we are pleased that PARK ROYAL has become a participant in it. After all, it is essential for us to support Ukrainians who lost their homes during the war and contribute to the restoration and reconstruction of Ukraine," the press service of the complex comments.

How to buy housing from PARK ROYAL under the "eRENEWAL" programme

  • Report the destroyed property in the app or on the Diia portal, if you have not done so before.
  • Submit an application for payment for destroyed property in the Diia app.
  • Wait until you receive the certificate.
  • Submit an application in Actions to book funds under the certificate and wait for the booking confirmation.
  • Choose an apartment in PARK ROYAL for the amount specified in the certificate.
  • Conclude the transaction with a notary. The reserved funds will be transferred to the seller's account.